
class Dataset

A set of samples from the MAPLES-DR dataset.

Datasets are a utility class to access and export samples from the MAPLES-DR dataset.

They are equivalent to a list of samples, each sample being stored as a dictionary­. See Field for the list of available fields.


Get a sample from the dataset.

The sample is returned as a DataSample.


idx (int | str) – Index of the sample. Can be an integer or the name of the sample (e.g. « 20051116_44816_0400_PP »).


The sample.

Type renvoyé:



Get the annotations information of the dataset.


The annotations information of the dataset.

Type renvoyé:


property data: DataFrame

The data of the dataset.

A dataframe containing the information of each sample. It has the following columns:

  • index: the name of the sample.

  • fundus: the path to the fundus image.

  • BiomarkerField (accept aggregated): the path to the biomarkers masks.

  • BiomarkersAnnotationTasks _ BiomarkersAnnotationInfos: the additional annotations informations.

  • dr: the consensus DR grade.

  • me: the consensus ME grade.

  • dr_{A|B|C}: the DR grade given by one retinologist.

  • me_{A|B|C}: the ME grade given by one retinologist.

  • dr_{A|B|C}_comment: comments from the retinologist when grading the DR diagnosis.


Get the diagnosis of the dataset.


pathology (Pathology, optional) –

The pathology to get the diagnosis for.

If None, get the diagnosis for both pathologies.


The diagnosis of the dataset.

Type renvoyé:


export(path, fields=None, fundus_as_jpg=True, missing_as_blank=False, pre_annotation=False, n_workers=None)

Export the dataset to a folder.

  • path (str | Path) – Path of the folder where to export the dataset.

  • fields (FundusField | BiomarkerField | List[FundusField | BiomarkerField] | Dict[FundusField | BiomarkerField, str] | None) –

    The fields to be exported.

    • If None, export the whole dataset.

    • If fields is a string or list, export only the given fields.

    • If fields is a dictionary, export the fields given by the keys

    and rename their folder to their corresponding dictionary values.

  • fundus_as_jpg (bool) – If True, save the fundus images (raw and preprocessed) as JPEG images. This format will drastically reduce load times but may introduce compression artifacts.

  • pre_annotation (bool) – If set to True, write the pre-annotation biomarkers instead of the reviewed ones.

  • missing_as_blank (bool) – If set to True, missing biomarkers will be exported as blank images.

  • n_workers

    The number of workers to use for the export.

    If None, use the number of CPUs available.


Get the information of a sample.


idx (str | int) – Index of the sample. Can be an integer or the name of the sample (i.e. « 20051116_44816_0400_PP »).


The information of the sample.

Type renvoyé:



Get the names of the samples in the dataset.


The names of the samples.

Type renvoyé:


subset(*arg, start=None, end=None, step=None)

Get a subset of the dataset.

  • start (int) – The index of the first sample of the subset.

  • end (int) – The index of the last sample of the subset.

  • step (int | None)


The subset of the dataset.

Type renvoyé:



Get a subset of the dataset by names.


names (List[str]) – The names of the samples to keep.


The subset of the dataset.

Type renvoyé:


class DataSample

A sample from the MAPLES-DR dataset.

A sample is a dictionary containing the information of a single sample from the dataset.

export(path, fields=None, fundus_as_jpg=True, *, pre_annotation=False, missing_as_blank=False)

Export the sample to a folder.

  • path (str | Path) – Path of the folder where to export the sample.

  • fields (FundusField | BiomarkerField | List[FundusField | BiomarkerField] | Dict[FundusField | BiomarkerField, str] | None) –

    The fields to be exported.

    • If None, export all available fields.

    • If fields is a string or list, export only the given fields.

    • If fields is a dictionary, export the fields given by the keys

    and rename their folder to their corresponding dictionary values.

  • fundus_as_jpg (bool) – If True, save the fundus images (raw and preprocessed) as JPEG images. This format will drastically reduce load times but may introduce compression artifacts.

  • pre_annotation (bool) – If set to True, write the pre-annotation biomarkers instead of the reviewed ones.

  • missing_as_blank – If set to True, missing biomarkers will be exported as blank images.


A mapping of the exported fields to their paths (or None if the field was not exported).

Type renvoyé:

Mapping[Field, Optional[str]]

keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
Type renvoyé:

List[DiagnosisField | FundusField | BiomarkerField]

property name: str

The name of the sample.

read_biomarker(biomarkers, image_format=None, resize=None, pre_annotation=False, no_cache=False)

Read a biomarker from the sample.

  • biomarkers (BiomarkerField | str | Iterable[BiomarkerField | str]) –

    Name of the biomarker(s) to read. Possible values are: 'opticCup', 'opticDisc', 'macula', 'vessels', 'brightLesions', 'cottonWoolSpots', 'drusens', 'exudates', 'brightUncertains', 'redLesions', 'hemorrhages', 'microaneurysms', 'neovascularization', 'redUncertains' (see BiomarkerField for more details).

    If multiple biomarkers are given, the corresponding masks will be merged.

  • image_format (ImageFormat | None) –

    Format of the image to return. Possible values are: 'PIL', 'BGR' or 'RGB' (see ImageFormat for more details.).

    If None (by default), use the format defined in the configuration.

  • resize (int | bool | None) –

    Resize the image to the given size.

    • If resize is an int, crop the image to a square ROI and resize it to the shape (resize, resize);

    • If True, keep the original MAPLES-DR resolution of 1500x1500 px;

    • If False, use the original MESSIDOR resolution if MESSIDOR path is configured, otherwise fallback to MAPLES-DR original resolution.

    • If None (by default), use the size defined in the configuration.

  • pre_annotation (bool) –

    If set to True, read the pre-annotation biomarkers instead of the final ones.


    Only hemorrhages, microaneurysms, exudates and vessels have pre-annotations.

  • no_cache (bool) – If set to True, the cache will not be used to read the biomarker, regardless of the configuration.

Type renvoyé:

The biomarker mask under the format specified.

read_field(field, image_format=None, resize=None, pre_annotation=False)

Read one field of the sample.

This function is similar to __getitem__ but provides more options to format the result (resize, image format…).

  • field (Field | str) –

    Any field from:

    • BiomarkerField: a biomarker name, possible values are: 'opticCup', 'opticDisc', 'macula', 'vessels', 'brightLesions', 'cottonWoolSpots', 'drusens', 'exudates', 'brightUncertains', 'redLesions', 'hemorrhages', 'microaneurysms', 'neovascularization', 'redUncertains'.

    • DiagnosisField: a diagnosis name, possible values are: 'dr', 'me'.

    • FundusField: a fundus field, possible values are: 'fundus', 'rawFundus', 'mask'.

  • image_format (ImageFormat | None) –

    Format of the image to return.

    If None (by default), use the format defined in the configuration.

  • resize (int | bool | None) –

    Resize the image to the given size.

    • If resize is an int, crop the image to a square ROI and resize it to the shape (resize, resize);

    • If True, keep the original MAPLES-DR resolution of 1500x1500 px;

    • If False, use the original MESSIDOR resolution if MESSIDOR path is configured, otherwise fallback to MAPLES-DR original resolution.

    • If None (by default), use the size defined in the configuration.

  • pre_annotation (bool) –

    If set to True, read the pre-annotation biomarkers instead of the final ones.


    Only hemorrhages, microaneurysms, exudates and vessels have pre-annotations.


The field under the format specified.

Type renvoyé:

Image.Image | np.ndarray | str

read_fundus(preprocess=None, image_format=None, resize=None, no_cache=False)

Read the fundus image of the sample.

  • preprocess (Preprocessing | str | bool | None) –

    Preprocessing to apply to the image.

    • If a Preprocessing (or an equivalent string), the image is preprocessed with the given preprocessing;

    • if False, the image is not preprocessed.

    • if None (by default) or True, use the preprocessing defined in the configuration.

  • image_format (ImageFormat | None) –

    Format of the image to return. Possible values are: 'PIL', 'BGR' or 'RGB' (see ImageFormat for more details.).

    If None (by default), use the format defined in the configuration.

  • resize (int | bool | None) –

    Resize the image to the given size.

    • If resize is an int, crop the image to a square ROI and resize it to the shape (resize, resize);

    • If True, use the original MAPLES-DR resolution of 1500x1500 px;

    • If False, keep the original MESSIDOR resolution.

    • If None (by default), use the size defined in the configuration.

  • no_cache (bool) – If set to True, the cache will not be used to read the fundus image, regardless of the configuration.

Type renvoyé:

The fundus image under the format specified.

read_multiple_biomarkers(biomarkers, image_format=None, pre_annotation=False, resize=None)

Read multiple biomarkers at once, assigning a class to a biomarker or a group of them.

  • biomarkers (Mapping[int, BiomarkerField | str | List[BiomarkerField | str]]) – Name of the biomarker(s) to read. Possible values are: 'opticCup', 'opticDisc', 'macula', 'vessels', 'brightLesions', 'cottonWoolSpots', 'drusens', 'exudates', 'brightUncertains', 'redLesions', 'hemorrhages', 'microaneurysms', 'neovascularization', 'redUncertains' (see BiomarkerField for more details).

  • image_format (ImageFormat | None) –

    Format of the image to return. Possible values are: 'PIL', 'BGR' or 'RGB' (see ImageFormat for more details.).

    If None (by default), use the format defined in the configuration.

  • pre_annotation (bool) –

    If set to True, read the pre-annotation biomarkers instead of the final ones.


    Only hemorrhages, microaneurysms, exudates and vessels have pre-annotations.

  • resize (int | bool | None)

read_roi_mask(image_format=None, resize=None)

Read the region of interest of the fundus image.

  • image_format (ImageFormat | None) –

    Format of the image to return. Possible values are: 'PIL', 'BGR' or 'RGB' (see ImageFormat for more details.).

    If None (by default), use the format defined in the configuration.

  • resize (int | bool | None) –

    Resize the image to the given size.

    • If resize is an int, crop the image to a square ROI and resize it to the shape (resize, resize);

    • If True, use the original MAPLES-DR resolution of 1500x1500 px;

    • If False, keep the original MESSIDOR resolution.

    • If None (by default), use the size defined in the configuration.


The region of interest of the fundus image.

Type renvoyé:


Datasets Fields


The name of a valid field in MAPLES-DR.

This type alias is a union of DiagnosisField, BiomarkerField, and FundusField.

class DiagnosisField

String Enum of MAPLES-DR diagnosis fields.

DR = 'dr'

The Diabetic Retinopathy grade.

  • R0 : No DR.

  • R1 : Mild Non-Proliferative DR.

  • R2 : Moderate Non-Proliferative DR.

  • R3 : Severe Non-Proliferative DR.

  • R4A : Proliferative DR.

  • R4S : Treated and Stable Proliferative DR.

  • R6 : Insufficient quality to grade.

ME = 'me'

The Macular Edema grade.

  • M0 : No ME.

  • M1 : ME without center involvement.

  • M2 : ME with center involvement.

  • M6 : Insufficient quality to grade.


The name of a valid image field in MAPLES-DR.

This type alias is a union of BiomarkerField and FundusField.

class FundusField

String Enum of MAPLES-DR fields associated with fundus images.


Path to MESSIDOR fundus images must be configured to use these fields! See maples_dr.configure() for more information.

FUNDUS = 'fundus'

The preprocessed fundus image (or the original fundus image if no preprocessing is applied).

RAW_FUNDUS = 'rawFundus'

The raw fundus image. (If no preprocessing is applied, this is the same as FundusField.FUNDUS.)

MASK = 'mask'

The mask of the fundus image.

class BiomarkerField

String Enum of MAPLES-DR biomarkers fields.

OPTIC_CUP = 'opticCup'

The optic cup mask.

OPTIC_DISC = 'opticDisc'

The optic disc mask.

MACULA = 'macula'

The macula mask.

VESSELS = 'vessels'

The vessels mask.

BRIGHT_LESIONS = 'brightLesions'

Union of all the bright lesions masks (CWS, exudates, drusens and uncertain).

COTTON_WOOL_SPOTS = 'cottonWoolSpots'

The cotton wool spots mask.

DRUSENS = 'drusens'

The drusens mask.

EXUDATES = 'exudates'

The exudates mask.

BRIGHT_UNCERTAINS = 'brightUncertains'

The mask of bright lesions with uncertain type (either CWS, exudates or drusens).

RED_LESIONS = 'redLesions'

Union of all the red lesions masks (microaneurysm, hemorrhages and uncertain).

HEMORRHAGES = 'hemorrhages'

The hemorrhages mask.

MICROANEURYSMS = 'microaneurysms'

The microaneurysms mask.

NEOVASCULARIZATION = 'neovascularization'

The neovascularization mask.

RED_UNCERTAINS = 'redUncertains'

The mask of red lesions with uncertain type (either microaneurysm or hemorrhages).
